Tuesday, 29 December 2009


Recently the main focus has been towards editing our footage from the interview with Darryn, this has been a battle between technologies as over the christmas holidays we have only been able to get hold of some of the footage to edit whilst the majority of the interview footage remains at school. 
Sam and I did think before the holidays that we needed to transfer the footage from school onto a portable device but the problem came around once we noticed the file size was huge. 
Therefore for Christmas i have received a portable hard drive with 320 GB, so we will be able to transfer all files, including huge iMovie files between computers.

As we have some footage from the interview i have been able to play that back on iMovie and selected key frames which we could possibly use in our documentary and supporting pieces. The key frames alone are 4 minutes and 35 seconds in total, which is our first indication that the 5 minute maximum for the documentary is very restricting.

Thursday, 3 December 2009


Since last blogging we have been editing the footage from the interview, london and premiere. The editing stage is going slowly due to the detail wanted and certain issues with technology. Whilst editing we have also been discussing ideas for our supporting pieces.

Initial ideas:

  • Podcast- radio clip, whole interview with Darryn Lyons, interview with presenter, interview with public

  • Article- magazine, newspaper, flyer, leaflet

  • Billboard- Darryns face, strong image, tag line

  • radio jingle- includes camera shutter sounds

  • advertising campgain- leaflets, posters, products
I then explored the idea of a billboard.
Some example are attached.
Tag lines could include...
Do you feel violated?
Would you bow down to him?
Right or Wrong?
Professional or pushing Privacy?