Monday, 15 March 2010


Footage for Documentary:
  • Darryn Lyons Interview
  • Premiere
  • Dorchester
  • London
  • Youtube Clips

Documentary order:

  1. Opening Footage- youtube clips, premiere, darryn lyons clip and voice over
  2. Title- Stalkerazzi
  3. Opening Scene- london, voice over facts
  4. Dorchester- Pamerla footage and voice over of a photographer

Now we have decided on the order in which to put the footage in it has made it easier to edit. The editing stage is taking alot longer than we expected and we still have alot to do.

Youtube Footage

Footage for Documentary:
Whilst the majority of the documentary will be our own footage there is some footage which is impossible for us to film within the deadline. Therefor we have found some clips on the internet,, which we have carefully edited into the documentary to create a fast pace opening with a range of shots.